Saturday, June 17, 2006
Update on Sofia
Keep our family (including Sofia) in your prayers. As every day that goes by gets us one day closer to bringing her home, we need all the prayer and support we can get.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Sofia Update - June 7, 2006
The boys are as excited as we are. Will and Zach are carrying pictures of her around and showing everyone and anyone who will listen to them. Zach drew a picture of a panda for her today and we're going to frame it so she can see it when she's older. We've decided to name her:
Sofia Alma Li Yi Newsome.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Little Sofia

Well, what a difference a couple of days make. God has blessed us (once again) with our beautiful little Sofia. Her picture is to the right (if you double click on the bottom picture, you can enlarge it). We just got word today that she's being held for us and and we should plan to travel to China sometime in the next three to five months. (our prayer is to be with her either in China or at home by her 1st birthday - September 23).
We'll keep everyone posted on our progress and we appreciate all the calls, prayers and support that everyone has offered to us.
An adoptive prayer / poem:
I didn't give you the gift of life,
but my in my heart I know the love I feel is as deep and real as if it had been so.
For us to find each other is like dream come true.
No, I didn't give you the gift of life;
Life gave me the gift of you!