Friday, November 06, 2009

Random China pictures from last year......

Sweet little Sara was from the same waiting list Lize was on from AAC.

Somehow I don't think the "union" would ok this in the US.

Shelia and her daughter Quinn.

Faith and Lize have remained close friends. Faith has a wonderful servants heart. She is also a very motherly soul.

Lize's friend Lily. Lily is the sweetest child i've ever met.

Vicki and I have remained close. Our famlies are now intertwined for life.

I still can't believe how fast this year has gone by. It feels as if Lize has always been here. She was worth every ounce of heartache waiting. I sometimes get asked if she's "mine or adopted"....
I can assure you she's mine! No matter where she grew, she was destined to be my daughter and part of our family.


Gwen said...

Oh, I love these photos! So many great memories. I absolutely agree-- our girls are where they were meant to be!!
Thanks for posting these! We will never forget your sweet family and our great travel group! Wish we could have been with all of you the first week to ride camels and feed the monkeys!! (on Sarah's blog) :)

Sheri said...

Love the pic's and your comment when people ask if Lize is "yours". Of course, she's yours God had the whole thing planned. :)

Sarah said...

Hi Lize!
I really liked chasing you around hotels and holding your hand during tours! You are really sweet!


Karin said...

What great photos!!! They put a smile on my face. :)