Sunday, December 13, 2009

Honest Sofia....

Adoptive parents know that going anywhere is probably going to result in a look or question from someone. I don't mind 99.9% of the time. I pray my answer to their question will lead anyone to adopt a child. Sofia on the other hand is not so nice about it. The first was by an older lady who said "Your so cute, where are you from?" Sofi says "Misconsin" Lady says " you look Chinese, and so does your sister" Sofi , with her hand on her hip and an irritated look says " if you must know, I was a baby in the Gondong (Guangdong) Providence" She then asked if that was in China. Sofia's response was "DAAA it's not Misconsin"

The second was with Santa. He asked if Lize was her sister? Sofi says "yes". Then Santa asks if that's her "REAL" sister. Sofi's response was " We'll she's NOT a doll"


Gwen said...

This is great! Out of the mouths of babes! Sounds like Sofi handles these questions very well! :)

Ann Marie said...

You go girl!

Sarah said...

Way to go Sofi! I love it!

My standard answer to "Are they sisters (or silbings)?" is "Well, they are now!"


Karin said...

oh my gosh...that is hilarious!!