Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Yes they are OURS....

While out in the "real" world a lady asked me if the girls were mine. I proudfully said YES. Then she asked "do you have any of your own?" I smiled and said "YES these 2 plus 2 boys". I should have walked away b/c I knew what was coming....."Are any of them from you?" GOD gave the next answer....it was out of my mouth before I realized what I said " just like me, my children are all a gift from GOD". She fleed quickly.

For those who don't know, James is a little neurotic. He loves and thrives on order. While in the hotel last week, I heard Sofi say "OH YOU PEOPLE". When I walked out of the bathroom this is what I found.....The shoes, just like HER daddy.


Gwen said...

Sometimes you can anticipate what people are going to say next-- I've had this experience, too.

And good for you for listening to God's prompting! A perfect response!

People still comment to us on how well Sarah speaks English. I just smile and say, "Yes, she does." but what I really want to say is, "Uh, she's been home a YEAR and has been completely immersed in the language.. so yes, she can speak English." :)

Karin said...

Oh that is hilarious that Sofi muttered and then arranged the shoes!! Too cute!!

Argh on the people who make those comments. The first one, I give them a pass...they don't think and they don't mean anything bad. But to continue to probe when you are trying to gently correct them...ugh. God gave you a great, gracious response. :)